Livestreaming is the process of presenting a live event for others to view real-time on platforms such as YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, and the myriad of other platforms. Think of Zoom, Facetime or Skype, but on a much grander scale. However, unlike Zoom, Facetime or Skype, livestreaming is a one-way medium; meaning, it is like watching television - it's TV for the 2020's.

Prior to the COVID pandemic, livestreaming was something pretty much reserved for big companies or the niche markets. Since COVID, it's pretty much the Defacto standard for allowing others that might not otherwise be able to participate or "see" your event in person, to actually see your event without the need to travel or risk exposure if they are compromised. Think of livestreaming as internet TV - which it is. Along with livestreaming, video recording of those special events can be done simultaneously - such as Weddings, Graduation ceremonies, Baptisms, First Holy Communion and more, and is non-intrusive. For those somber occasions like Funerals, Memorial Masses, and others, livestreaming and/or recording is equally performed non-intrusively and is provided with the dignity and respect deserved.

Any event is capable of being Livestreamed and made available after the main event to view over and over again, at the viewer's desire, and at your discretion.
YouTube is the preferred service for Livestreaming since so many people have access to it, but other services can be used as well, such as Twitch and Facebook.
Sporting events - Football, Soccer, Baseball, Basketball, Tennis, Lacrosse - just to name a few. Half-time performances by marching bands. Little League, Big League and everything in-between. Recording and simultaneous Livestreaming of any event is easily accomplished. Depending on the venue and event, multiple cameras for various angles can be deployed. Switching between cameras during a Livestream is accomplished through the use of a video switcher so that nothing is left unseen.

All video is produced at 1080P (1920x1080) for full High Definition